Close Quarters Battle III (CQB3)

This full day, non live fire course is designed for the experienced shooter and builds on the fundamental Close Quarters Battle (CQB) skills, tactics, techniques and mindset introduced and drilled in the CQB1 and CQB2. This course will be specifically limited to less than 10 students, and will be run with high intensity, speed and contact.


The course is presented by members of our cadre; unique, multi-deployment experienced Operators from the US Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC).

CQB3 builds from CQB1/2 with an additional focus on:

  • Higher degree tactical weapons handling (including primary and secondary weapons transitions)
  • Dynamic target systems (static and live) in variable environmental conditions (including low light, low viz, and full dark environments)
  • Introductory (optional) Force on Force scenarios and considerations.
  • Extreme close contact scenarios – including H2H situations.


Training is conducted in our state of the art simulation environment (shoot house), maximizing realism and learning using:

  • Our modular, reconfigurable, and environment-controlled simulation house,
  • Professional grade MilSim (non-live fire)  firearms
  • 3D Reactive Targets, and Role Players in Full contact Blauer High Gear dynamic training suits
  • After Action Reviews using the facility’s 16 night/day video system

By teaching proven methods, coupled with real world scenarios, this class will challenge you via the dynamic, stressful 360 degree / 3D envelope of the Shoothouse to develop the mindset, tactics and skills to take your capabilities to the next level and equip you to be physically and mentally prepared for close quarter combat scenarios.

This course requires the pre-approval of the KMI Applied Tactics Staff and Instructors; please contact us at for more information.



Date: Sun November 23, 2014
Time: 0830-1700
Location: KMI Santa Clara, 1030 Duane Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95054|37.378179,-121.95247499999999