STOP! Women’s Self Defense – Home Invasion

Offered every other month in 2014, train in techniques to defend yourself in various scenarios using Krav Maga. Taught by our top female instructor Deanna Perez, these popular seminars are “don’t miss” events.

May covers the “Home Invasion” scenario, where you will learn ground defenses and using your home and environment to defend yourself in the case of a break-in.

March: Public Places (SF)
May: Home Invasion (SC)
July: Public Transportation (OAK)
September: Walking Alone (SF)
November: Public Places (SC)

Pictures from this Event

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Date: Sun May 18, 2014
Time: 2:30pm-4:30pm
Location: KMI Santa Clara, 1030 Duane Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA|37.378179,-121.95247499999999

I wish every woman would take this workshop. What you will learn is invaluable and could save your life.

Pam F.
Previous Similar Offerings: STOP! Women’s Self-Defense Scenario “Home Invasion” April 20, 2013

STOP! by Danny Zelig is a series of self-defense seminars that focus on situations and scenarios that women experience where violence and threats of physical violence are prone to occur. Each seminar will focus on a different scenario and context to set a framework for the training, but the material and philosophy learned in each […]